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Github Sponsors Get Early Access To V2 Firmware Code
To help fund the development I am going with a delayed public open source approach for firmware updates. I have a private repo with the latest BETA code . People who sponsor my github at the top tier will get access to the private repo as well as receiving the weekly updates on development progress.
There are a lot of cool new features in the beta repo including
- Graphical guages on the web app displaying seatalk information from the bus including Wind Speed + Direction , Depth , SOG, COG, STW , HDG .
- More command mappings from web app and remote control including . Track , Tack (PT/STBD) and the useful MOB command which will alert all the seatalk instruments including Chart plotters which will sound alerts and drop a mark.
- TCP/IP NMEA Two way gateway Allows wireless interfacing with other software such as open marine, Signal K , Open CPN , Navionics
- AP Client Mode Can now connect to other Access Points on your boat rather than being the server (this has been requested a few times)

Plenty more enhancements on the cards and feature requests from sponsors will be top of the list if they make sense to the project!
People who buy boxes in our shop will also get the latest stable release (hopefully V2 Firmware very shortly ) and if you send me an email with your order number and github username i’ll give access to the repo.
Any questions give me a shout at . Thanks for the support and to all those who have made purchases through the shop who keep the project alive.
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